Celina Martina

Celina Martina

My name is Celina Martina. I am an immigrant by choice, and a proud Latina. Although I have spent 24 years living in Minnesota, I am still finding ways to explore and understand my cultural values and beliefs as I engage in this spiritual journey called life. I was raised Catholic and I completed most of the important Catholic Sacraments (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation and Marriage), and I am a strong believer and devotee to our Divine Mother, Maria.

I joined the Eye of the Heart as I was planning a special pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Alma, Wisconsin.  Carolyn and I led a small group of dear Latina women through the pilgrimage. During the day, we intentionally connected in ways we have not done before (despite that many of us have known each other for some time), we explored ourselves in the eyes of our Divine Mother and our souls were transformed after pouring care, empathy and humility into that experience.

My background is not in religious studies or spiritual coaching; however, I have been blessed with ancestors and family members with a strong faith, spirituality, and a deep understanding of our cultural practices and traditions. 

I am a mother of two, a spouse, and a daughter. Those are the most important roles in my life. I am committed to creating connections through spaces of affinity and trust. Look for coming dates of pilgrimages where culture, spirituality, and care will be at the center of the experience.