Growing, Not Building

We trust that the Eye of the Heart Center will grow as the Ancestors, as Spirit, desires. Our job is to tend to that growing, tend to the flow of warmth and water onto the seed, while remembering the life force of the seed is infinitely bigger than our will. We cannot force the seed to become anything other than what it is, and we do not want to - for it is far more exciting when the possibilities reach beyond our own limited imaginations!

To use the language of the Tarot, our egos want to build a tower, not grow a tree. We want to control what will become, lay brick upon brick and construct something within full control of our will. Yet the tower is stagnant and dry, while the tree flows with the sap of life. Hildegard of Bingen, a favorite medieval mystic, tells us that the sap flowing within the tree is Spirit, and that just as the sap enables branches to sprout buds and then burst with juicy, green leaves - the Spirit flowing within us enables our creative buds to burst with the juicy works of beauty, connection and goodness.

To be in the flow of Spirit and not just in service to our own will, our own ego, requires continual discernment. Our ego is pretty good at convincing us that we're serving the greater good when in reality we're only building a tower. The tower, in the Tower card of the Tarot, is toppled down by Nature but then what follows is the flowing waters under the stars of the Star card. It's painful when the false constructions of our ego fall away, but also a relief because then we can relax into Spirit's flow. There may be little towers along the path of our new endeavor, we're human after all, but we intend to keep each other in check.

What exactly will the life force within the Eye of the Heart Center grow into and reveal itself to be? As the co-creators, we don't pretend to know the answer to that question, and instead invite you to tend the garden with us and be witness to the wonder of what Mystery reveals.

From our hearts to yours,

Carolyn Kolovitz
Co-Creator of Eye of the Heart Center


A Part of Something Bigger